Individual Awards
Honor Ring: The Honor Ring is the highest individual honor granted by the Fraternity and is presented to alumnae who have rendered sustained and outstanding service to the Fraternity. Representing devotion to the Fraternity, the Honor Ring bears symbols dear to every Zeta Tau Alpha. A point system has been devised to assist National Council in determining recipients. To be eligible to be considered to receive the Honor Ring, an alumna must accumulate at least 20 points, of which 50 percent must be for service at the national level. Names of alumnae who have accumulated the required number of points for the ring, with offices held and terms served, must be submitted to the Vice Presidents Alumnae by Jan. 1 of the Convention year. Points are not guaranteed, and the final decision on all candidates is made by vote of National Council. National Council may vote approval for the Honor Ring by assigning points for services otherwise not listed.
- Debbie Buscher (2024)
- Suzanna Johnson (2022)
- Cheri Armstrong (2018)
- Angela Kelly (2012)
- Mandy Scott (2006)
Alumnae Certificate of Merit: This certificate is a national award presented at Zeta Day or other special event. Names and qualifications of those recommended for the Alumnae Certificate of Merit are presented to National Council for consideration at its fall meeting. The vote of National Council is required for approval. In order to be considered, an alumna must have been out of school for seven years and have a minimum of seven years of significant post-collegiate service.
- Lee Ann Krause-Henry (2019)
- Cheri Armstrong (2018)
- Suzanna Johnson (2018) (FL)
- Millie McElya (2014)
- Angela Kelly (2012)
- Karen Malkey (2010)
- Mandy Scott (2009)
- Rosanne Malone (2009)
- Heather Gordon (2008)
- Debbie Buscher (2007)
- Debbie Buscher (2018)
- Heather Gordon (2014)
- Millie McElya (2008)
Lone Star:
- Tish Wright (2017)
- Karen Malkey (2016)
- Mandy Scott (2014)
- Heather Gordon (2013)
- Kathy Holmes (2013)
- Angela Kelly (2012)
- Cheri Armstrong (2009)
- Debbie Buscher (2008)
- Rosanne Malone (2007)
- Millie McElya (2006)
Zeta Lady Award:
- Erin Whittington (2018)
- Erin Whittington (2017)
- Debbie Buscher (2016)
- Cheri Armstrong (2015)
- Tish Wright (2014)
- Marlo Keller (2013)
- Rosanne Malone (2012)
- Lee Ann Henry (2009)
- Lee Ann Henry (2008)
- Karen Malkey (2007)
- Karen Malkey (2006)
- Rosanne Malone (2005)
- Lee Ann Henry (2004)
- Cheri Armstrong (2003)